Source code for

# Copyright 2017-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Hatchet Project Developers. See the top-level LICENSE file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import matplotlib.colors

[docs]def trees_to_dot(roots, dataframe, metric, name, rank, thread, threshold): """Calls to_dot in turn for each tree in the graph/forest.""" text = ( "strict digraph {\n" "graph [bgcolor=transparent];\n" "node [penwidth=4, shape=circle];\n" "edge [penwidth=2];\n\n" ) all_nodes = "" all_edges = "" # call to_dot for each root in the graph visited = [] for root in roots: (nodes, edges) = to_dot( root, dataframe, metric, name, rank, thread, threshold, visited ) all_nodes += nodes all_edges += edges text += all_nodes + "\n" + all_edges + "\n}\n" return text
[docs]def to_dot(hnode, dataframe, metric, name, rank, thread, threshold, visited): """Write to graphviz dot format.""" colormap = min_time = dataframe[metric].min() max_time = dataframe[metric].max() def add_nodes_and_edges(hnode): # set dataframe index based on if rank is a part of the index if "rank" in dataframe.index.names and "thread" in dataframe.index.names: df_index = (hnode, rank, thread) elif "rank" in dataframe.index.names: df_index = (hnode, rank) elif "thread" in dataframe.index.names: df_index = (hnode, thread) else: df_index = hnode node_time = dataframe.loc[df_index, metric] node_name = dataframe.loc[df_index, name] node_id = hnode._hatchet_nid weight = (node_time - min_time) / (max_time - min_time) color = matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(colormap(weight)) # only display nodes whose metric is greater than some threshold if (node_time >= threshold * max_time) and (hnode not in visited): node_string = '"{0}" [color="{1}", label="{2}" shape=oval];\n'.format( node_id, color, node_name ) edge_string = "" # only display those edges where child's metric is greater than # threshold children = [] for child in hnode.children: if ( "rank" in dataframe.index.names and "thread" in dataframe.index.names ): df_index = (child, rank, thread) elif "rank" in dataframe.index.names: df_index = (child, rank) elif "thread" in dataframe.index.names: df_index = (child, thread) else: df_index = child child_time = dataframe.loc[df_index, metric] if child_time >= threshold * max_time: children.append(child) visited.append(hnode) for child in children: # add edges child_id = child._hatchet_nid edge_string += '"{0}" -> "{1}";\n'.format(node_id, child_id) (nodes, edges) = add_nodes_and_edges(child) node_string += nodes edge_string += edges else: node_string = "" edge_string = "" return (node_string, edge_string) # call add_nodes_and_edges on the root return add_nodes_and_edges(hnode)