Generating Profiling Datasets


HPCToolkit can be installed using Spack or manually. Instructions to build HPCToolkit manually can be found at

You can see a basic example of how to use HPCToolkit and generate performance data below.

$ mpirun -np <num_ranks> hpcrun <hpcrun_args> ./program.exe <program_args>

This command generates a “measurements” directory. Hatchet cannot read this natively and requires another step to generate a “database” directory using hpcprof-mpi as described below.

$ hpcstruct ./program.exe
$ mpirun -np 1 hpcprof-mpi --metric-db=yes -S ./program.exe.struct -I <path_to_src> <measurements-directory>

The first command generates a struct file for the executable program.exe. This is provided as one of the arguments in the second command along with pointers to the source code and the generated measurements directory. You must add the --metric-db=yes option to hpcprof-mpi to generate the database directory in the format recognizable by hatchet.

You can specify the events you want to record as arguments to hpcrun. For example: -e CPUTIME@5000 or -e PAPI_TOT_CYC@5000000 -e PAPI_TOT_INS -e PAPI_L2_TCM -e PAPI_BR_INS.

If you want to record data only for the main thread (0) and not for other helper threads, you can set this environment variable: export HPCRUN_IGNORE_THREAD=1,2,...

More information information about HPCToolkit can be found at HPCToolkit’s documentation page.


Caliper can be installed using Spack or manually from its GitHub repository. Instructions to build Caliper manually can be found in its documentation.

To record performance profiles using Caliper, you need to include cali.h and call the cali_init() function in your source code. You also need to link the Caliper library in your executable or load it using LD_PRELOAD. Information about basic Caliper usage can be found in the Caliper documentation.

To generate profiling data, you can use Caliper’s built-in profiling configurations customized for Hatchet: hatchet-region-profile or hatchet-sample-profile. The former generates a profile based on user annotations in the code while the latter generates a call path profile (similar to HPCToolkit’s output). If you want to use one of the built-in configurations, you should set the CALI_CONFIG environment variable (e.g. CALI_CONFIG=hatchet-sample-profile).

Alternatively, you can use a custom Caliper .config file (default: caliper.config). If you create your own .config file, you can set the CALI_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to point to it. Two sample caliper.config files are presented below. Other example configuration files can be found in the Caliper GitHub repository.

CALI_MPIREPORT_CONFIG="SELECT annotation,function,loop,mpi.function,mpi.rank,sum(sum#time.duration),inclusive_sum(sum#time.duration) group by mpi.rank,prop:nested format json-split"
CALI_MPIREPORT_CONFIG="select source.function#callpath.address,sourceloc#cali.sampler.pc,mpi.rank,sum(sum#time.duration),sum(count),module#cali.sampler.pc group by source.function#callpath.address,sourceloc#cali.sampler.pc,mpi.rank,module#cali.sampler.pc format json-split"

You can read more about Caliper services in the Caliper documentation. Hatchet can read two Caliper outputs: the native .cali files and the split-JSON format (.json files).


TAU can be installed using Spack or manually via instructions in its install guide.

You can instrument and/or sample your program using TAU. To instrument your program, you can compile it with or like any other compiler. To sample your program, you can run it with tau_exec.

Below, you can find the required environment variables to sample your program and get call path data using TAU. You can both instrument and sample your program using these environment variables and tau_exec after compiling your program with tau_cc/

(optional) TAU_METRICS=<TAU/PAPI_metrics>
(optional) PROFILEDIR=<directore_name_for_profile_data>

After setting these environment variables, you can run your program as:

$ mpirun -np <num_ranks> tau_exec -T mpi,openmp -ebs ./program.exe <program_args>

More information about using TAU can be found in its user guide.


Timemory can be installed using Spack or manually as suggested in its documentation.

Timemory can perform both runtime instrumentation and binary rewriting, but recommends using binary rewriting for distributed memory parallelism. To use binary rewriting, you need to first generate an instrumented executable and then run that instrumented executable as below.

$ timemory-run <timemory-run_options> -o <instrumented_executable> --mpi -- <executable>
$ mpirun -np <num_ranks> ./<instrumented_executable>

More information about how to use timemory can be found at


Hatchet can read pyinstrument JSON files which can be generated

by using its Python API or using the command line:

Command line

$ pyinstrument -r json -o <output.json> ./

Python API

from pyinstrument import Profiler
from pyinstrument.renderers import JSONRenderer
profiler = Profiler()

# do some work
