Source code for hatchet.query.query

# Copyright 2017-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Hatchet Project Developers. See the top-level LICENSE file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from .errors import InvalidQueryPath

[docs]class Query(object): """Class for representing and building Hatchet Call Path Queries""" def __init__(self): """Create new Query""" self.query_pattern = []
[docs] def match(self, quantifier=".", predicate=lambda row: True): """Start a query with a root node described by the arguments. Arguments: quantifier (".", "*", "+", or int, optional): the quantifier for this node (tells how many graph nodes to match) predicate (Callable, optional): the predicate for this node (used to determine whether a graph node matches this query node) Returns: (Query): returns self so that this method can be chained with subsequent calls to "rel"/"relation" """ if len(self.query_pattern) != 0: self.query_pattern = [] self._add_node(quantifier, predicate) return self
[docs] def rel(self, quantifier=".", predicate=lambda row: True): """Add a new node to the end of the query. Arguments: quantifier (".", "*", "+", or int, optional): the quantifier for this node (tells how many graph nodes to match) predicate (Callable, optional): the predicate for this node (used to determine whether a graph node matches this query node) Returns: (Query): returns self so that this method can be chained with subsequent calls to "rel"/"relation" """ if len(self.query_pattern) == 0: raise InvalidQueryPath( "Queries in the base Query Language must start with a call to 'match'" ) self._add_node(quantifier, predicate) return self
[docs] def relation(self, quantifer=".", predicate=lambda row: True): """Alias to Query.rel. Add a new node to the end of the query. Arguments: quantifier (".", "*", "+", or int, optional): the quantifier for this node (tells how many graph nodes to match) predicate (Callable, optional): the predicate for this node (used to determine whether a graph node matches this query node) Returns: (Query): returns self so that this method can be chained with subsequent calls to "rel"/"relation" """ return self.rel(quantifer, predicate)
def __len__(self): """Returns the length of the query.""" return len(self.query_pattern) def __iter__(self): """Allows users to iterate over the Query like a list.""" return iter(self.query_pattern) def _add_node(self, quantifer=".", predicate=lambda row: True): """Add a node to the query. Arguments: quantifier (".", "*", "+", or int, optional): the quantifier for this node (tells how many graph nodes to match) predicate (Callable, optional): the predicate for this node (used to determine whether a graph node matches this query node) """ assert isinstance(quantifer, int) or isinstance(quantifer, str) assert callable(predicate) if isinstance(quantifer, int): for _ in range(quantifer): self.query_pattern.append((".", predicate)) elif quantifer == "+": self.query_pattern.append((".", predicate)) self.query_pattern.append(("*", predicate)) else: assert quantifer == "." or quantifer == "*" self.query_pattern.append((quantifer, predicate))