Source code for hatchet.query.object_dialect

# Copyright 2017-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Hatchet Project Developers. See the top-level LICENSE file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from numbers import Real
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import (
import re
import sys

from .errors import InvalidQueryPath, InvalidQueryFilter, MultiIndexModeMismatch
from .query import Query

def _process_multi_index_mode(apply_result, multi_index_mode):
    if multi_index_mode == "any":
        return apply_result.any()
    if multi_index_mode == "all":
        return apply_result.all()
    raise ValueError(
        "Multi-Index Mode for the Object-based dialect must be either 'any' or 'all'"

def _process_predicate(attr_filter, multi_index_mode):
    """Converts high-level API attribute filter to a lambda"""
    compops = ("<", ">", "==", ">=", "<=", "<>", "!=")  # ,

    def filter_series(df_row):
        def filter_single_series(df_row, key, single_value):
            if key == "depth":
                node =
                if isinstance(single_value, str) and single_value.lower().startswith(
                    return eval("{} {}".format(node._depth, single_value))
                if isinstance(single_value, Real):
                    # If the value for "depth" is -1, check if the node is a leaf
                    if single_value == -1:
                        return len(node.children) == 0
                    return node._depth == single_value
                raise InvalidQueryFilter(
                    "Attribute {} has a numeric type. Valid filters for this attribute are a string starting with a comparison operator or a real number.".format(
            if key == "node_id":
                node =
                if isinstance(single_value, str) and single_value.lower().startswith(
                    return eval("{} {}".format(node._hatchet_nid, single_value))
                if isinstance(single_value, Real):
                    return node._hatchet_nid == single_value
                raise InvalidQueryFilter(
                    "Attribute {} has a numeric type. Valid filters for this attribute are a string starting with a comparison operator or a real number.".format(
            if key not in df_row.keys():
                return False
            if isinstance(df_row[key], str):
                if not isinstance(single_value, str):
                    raise InvalidQueryFilter(
                        "Value for attribute {} must be a string.".format(key)
                return re.match(single_value + r"\Z", df_row[key]) is not None
            if isinstance(df_row[key], Real):
                if isinstance(single_value, str) and single_value.lower().startswith(
                    # compare nan metric value to numeric query
                    # (e.g. np.nan > 5)
                    if pd.isnull(df_row[key]):
                        nan_str = "np.nan"
                        # compare nan metric value to nan query
                        # (e.g., np.nan == np.nan)
                        if nan_str in single_value:
                            return eval("pd.isnull({}) == True".format(nan_str))
                        return eval("{} {}".format(nan_str, single_value))
                    elif np.isinf(df_row[key]):
                        inf_str = "np.inf"
                        # compare inf metric value to inf query
                        # (e.g., np.inf == np.inf)
                        if inf_str in single_value:
                            return eval("np.isinf({}) == True".format(inf_str))
                        return eval("{} {}".format(inf_str, single_value))
                        return eval("{} {}".format(df_row[key], single_value))

                if isinstance(single_value, Real):
                    return df_row[key] == single_value
                raise InvalidQueryFilter(
                    "Attribute {} has a numeric type. Valid filters for this attribute are a string starting with a comparison operator or a real number.".format(
            raise InvalidQueryFilter(
                "Filter must be one of the following:\n  * A regex string for a String attribute\n  * A string starting with a comparison operator for a Numeric attribute\n  * A number for a Numeric attribute\n"

        matches = True
        for k, v in attr_filter.items():
                _ = iter(v)
                # Manually raise TypeError if v is a string so that
                # the string is processed as a non-iterable
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    raise TypeError
            # Runs if v is not iterable (e.g., list, tuple, etc.)
            except TypeError:
                matches = matches and filter_single_series(df_row, k, v)
                for single_value in v:
                    matches = matches and filter_single_series(df_row, k, single_value)
        return matches

    def filter_dframe(df_row):
        if multi_index_mode == "off":
            raise MultiIndexModeMismatch(
                "The ObjectQuery's 'multi_index_mode' argument \
                cannot be set to 'off' when using multi-indexed data"

        def filter_single_dframe(node, df_row, key, single_value):
            if key == "depth":
                if isinstance(single_value, str) and single_value.lower().startswith(
                    return eval("{} {}".format(node._depth, single_value))
                if isinstance(single_value, Real):
                    return node._depth == single_value
                raise InvalidQueryFilter(
                    "Attribute {} has a numeric type. Valid filters for this attribute are a string starting with a comparison operator or a real number.".format(
            if key == "node_id":
                if isinstance(single_value, str) and single_value.lower().startswith(
                    return eval("{} {}".format(node._hatchet_nid, single_value))
                if isinstance(single_value, Real):
                    return node._hatchet_nid == single_value
                raise InvalidQueryFilter(
                    "Attribute {} has a numeric type. Valid filters for this attribute are a string starting with a comparison operator or a real number.".format(
            if key not in df_row.columns:
                return False
            if is_string_dtype(df_row[key]):
                if not isinstance(single_value, str):
                    raise InvalidQueryFilter(
                        "Value for attribute {} must be a string.".format(key)
                apply_ret = df_row[key].apply(
                    lambda x: re.match(single_value + r"\Z", x) is not None
                return _process_multi_index_mode(apply_ret, multi_index_mode)
            if is_numeric_dtype(df_row[key]):
                if isinstance(single_value, str) and single_value.lower().startswith(
                    apply_ret = df_row[key].apply(
                        lambda x: eval("{} {}".format(x, single_value))
                    return _process_multi_index_mode(apply_ret, multi_index_mode)
                if isinstance(single_value, Real):
                    apply_ret = df_row[key].apply(lambda x: x == single_value).any()
                    return _process_multi_index_mode(apply_ret, multi_index_mode)
                raise InvalidQueryFilter(
                    "Attribute {} has a numeric type. Valid filters for this attribute are a string starting with a comparison operator or a real number.".format(
            raise InvalidQueryFilter(
                "Filter must be one of the following:\n  * A regex string for a String attribute\n  * A string starting with a comparison operator for a Numeric attribute\n  * A number for a Numeric attribute\n"

        matches = True
        node =[0][0]
        for k, v in attr_filter.items():
                _ = iter(v)
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    raise TypeError
            except TypeError:
                matches = matches and filter_single_dframe(node, df_row, k, v)
                for single_value in v:
                    matches = matches and filter_single_dframe(
                        node, df_row, k, single_value
        return matches

    def filter_choice(df_row):
        if isinstance(df_row, pd.DataFrame):
            return filter_dframe(df_row)
        return filter_series(df_row)

    return filter_choice if attr_filter != {} else lambda row: True

[docs]class ObjectQuery(Query): """Class for representing and parsing queries using the Object-based dialect.""" def __init__(self, query, multi_index_mode="off"): """Builds a new ObjectQuery from an instance of the Object-based dialect syntax. Arguments: query (list): the Object-based dialect query to parse and store """ if sys.version_info[0] == 2: super(ObjectQuery, self).__init__() else: super().__init__() assert isinstance(query, list) assert multi_index_mode in ["off", "all", "any"] for qnode in query: if isinstance(qnode, dict): self._add_node(predicate=_process_predicate(qnode, multi_index_mode)) elif isinstance(qnode, str) or isinstance(qnode, int): self._add_node(quantifer=qnode) elif isinstance(qnode, tuple): assert isinstance(qnode[1], dict) if isinstance(qnode[0], str) or isinstance(qnode[0], int): self._add_node( qnode[0], _process_predicate(qnode[1], multi_index_mode) ) else: raise InvalidQueryPath( "The first value of a tuple entry in a path must be either a string or integer." ) else: raise InvalidQueryPath( "A query path must be a list containing String, Integer, Dict, or Tuple elements" )