Source code for hatchet.query.compound

# Copyright 2017-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Hatchet Project Developers. See the top-level LICENSE file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from abc import abstractmethod

import sys

from .query import Query
from .string_dialect import parse_string_dialect
from .object_dialect import ObjectQuery
from .errors import BadNumberNaryQueryArgs

[docs]class CompoundQuery(object): """Base class for all types of compound queries.""" def __init__(self, *queries): """Collect the provided queries into a list, constructing ObjectQuery and StringQuery objects as needed. Arguments: *queries (Query, CompoundQuery, list, or str): the subqueries of the compound query """ self.subqueries = [] if isinstance(queries[0], tuple) and len(queries) == 1: queries = queries[0] for query in queries: if issubclass(type(query), Query) or issubclass(type(query), CompoundQuery): self.subqueries.append(query) elif isinstance(query, list): self.subqueries.append(ObjectQuery(query)) elif isinstance(query, str): self.subqueries.append(parse_string_dialect(query)) else: raise TypeError( "Subqueries for NaryQuery must be either a \ high-level query or a subclass of AbstractQuery" ) @abstractmethod def _apply_op_to_results(self, subquery_results): """Combines/Modifies the results of the subqueries based on the operation the subclass represents. """ pass
[docs]class ConjunctionQuery(CompoundQuery): """A compound query that combines the results of its subqueries using set conjunction. """ def __init__(self, *queries): """Create the ConjunctionQuery. Arguments: *queries (Query, CompoundQuery, list, or str): the subqueries of the compound query """ if sys.version_info[0] == 2: super(ConjunctionQuery, self).__init__(*queries) else: super().__init__(*queries) if len(self.subqueries) < 2: raise BadNumberNaryQueryArgs( "ConjunctionQuery requires 2 or more subqueries" ) def _apply_op_to_results(self, subquery_results, graph): """Combines the results of the subqueries using set conjunction. Arguments: subquery_results (list): a list containing the results of each subquery graph (hatchet.Graph): the graph associated with the data being queried Returns: (list): A list containing all the nodes satisfying the conjunction of the subqueries' results """ intersection_set = set(subquery_results[0]).intersection(*subquery_results[1:]) return list(intersection_set)
[docs]class DisjunctionQuery(CompoundQuery): """A compound query that combines the results of its subqueries using set disjunction. """ def __init__(self, *queries): """Create the DisjunctionQuery. Arguments: *queries (Query, CompoundQuery, list, or str): the subqueries of the compound query """ if sys.version_info[0] == 2: super(DisjunctionQuery, self).__init__(*queries) else: super().__init__(*queries) if len(self.subqueries) < 2: raise BadNumberNaryQueryArgs( "DisjunctionQuery requires 2 or more subqueries" ) def _apply_op_to_results(self, subquery_results, graph): """Combines the results of the subqueries using set disjunction. Arguments: subquery_results (list): a list containing the results of each subquery graph (hatchet.Graph): the graph associated with the data being queried Returns: (list): A list containing all the nodes satisfying the disjunction of the subqueries' results """ union_set = set().union(*subquery_results) return list(union_set)
[docs]class ExclusiveDisjunctionQuery(CompoundQuery): """A compound query that combines the results of its subqueries using exclusive set disjunction. """ def __init__(self, *queries): """Create the ExclusiveDisjunctionQuery. Arguments: *queries (Query, CompoundQuery, list, or str): the subqueries of the compound query """ if sys.version_info[0] == 2: super(ExclusiveDisjunctionQuery, self).__init__(*queries) else: super().__init__(*queries) if len(self.subqueries) < 2: raise BadNumberNaryQueryArgs("XorQuery requires 2 or more subqueries") def _apply_op_to_results(self, subquery_results, graph): """Combines the results of the subqueries using exclusive set disjunction. Arguments: subquery_results (list): a list containing the results of each subquery graph (hatchet.Graph): the graph associated with the data being queried Returns: (list): A list containing all the nodes satisfying the exclusive disjunction of the subqueries' results """ xor_set = set() for res in subquery_results: xor_set = xor_set.symmetric_difference(set(res)) return list(xor_set)
[docs]class NegationQuery(CompoundQuery): """A compound query that inverts/negates the result of its single subquery. """ def __init__(self, *queries): """Create the NegationQuery. Arguments: *queries (Query, CompoundQuery, list, or str): the subqueries of the compound query. There must be eactly one subquery provided. """ if sys.version_info[0] == 2: super(NegationQuery, self).__init__(*queries) else: super().__init__(*queries) if len(self.subqueries) != 1: raise BadNumberNaryQueryArgs("NotQuery requires exactly 1 subquery") def _apply_op_to_results(self, subquery_results, graph): """Inverts the results of the subquery so that all nodes not in the results are returned. Arguments: subquery_results (list): a list containing the results of each subquery graph (hatchet.Graph): the graph associated with the data being queried Returns: (list): A list containing all the nodes in the Graph not contained in the subquery's results """ nodes = set(graph.traverse()) query_nodes = set(subquery_results[0]) return list(nodes.difference(query_nodes))