Source code for hatchet.query.compat

# Copyright 2017-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Hatchet Project Developers. See the top-level LICENSE file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from abc import abstractmethod

    from abc import ABC
except ImportError:
    from abc import ABCMeta

    ABC = ABCMeta("ABC", (object,), {"__slots__": ()})
import sys
import warnings

from .query import Query
from .compound import (
from .object_dialect import ObjectQuery
from .string_dialect import parse_string_dialect
from .engine import QueryEngine
from .errors import BadNumberNaryQueryArgs, InvalidQueryPath

# QueryEngine object for running the legacy "apply" methods

[docs]class AbstractQuery(ABC): """Base class for all 'old-style' queries."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def apply(self, gf): pass
def __and__(self, other): """Create a new AndQuery using this query and another. Arguments: other (AbstractQuery): the other query to use in constructing the AndQuery Returns: (AndQuery): a new AndQuery that performs the AND of the results of both queries """ return AndQuery(self, other) def __or__(self, other): """Create a new OrQuery using this query and another. Arguments: other (AbstractQuery): the other query to use in constructing the OrQuery Returns: (OrQuery): a new OrQuery that performs the OR of the results of both queries """ return OrQuery(self, other) def __xor__(self, other): """Create a new XorQuery using this query and another. Arguments: other (AbstractQuery): the other query to use in constructing the XorQuery Returns: (XorQuery): a new XorQuery that performs the XOR of the results of both queries """ return XorQuery(self, other) def __invert__(self): """Create a new NotQuery using this query. Returns: (NotQuery): a new NotQuery that inverts the results of this query """ return NotQuery(self) @abstractmethod def _get_new_query(self): pass
[docs]class NaryQuery(AbstractQuery): """Base class for all compound queries that act on and merged N separate subqueries.""" def __init__(self, *args): """Create a new NaryQuery object. Arguments: *args (AbstractQuery, str, or list): the subqueries to be performed """ self.compat_subqueries = [] if isinstance(args[0], tuple) and len(args) == 1: args = args[0] for query in args: if isinstance(query, list): self.compat_subqueries.append(QueryMatcher(query)) elif isinstance(query, str): self.compat_subqueries.append(CypherQuery(query)) elif issubclass(type(query), AbstractQuery): self.compat_subqueries.append(query) elif issubclass(type(query), Query) or issubclass( type(query), CompoundQuery ): self.compat_subqueries.append(query) else: raise TypeError( "Subqueries for NaryQuery must be either a\ high-level query or a subclass of AbstractQuery" )
[docs] def apply(self, gf): """Applies the query to the specified GraphFrame. Arguments: gf (GraphFrame): the GraphFramme on which to apply the query Results: (list): A list of nodes representing the result of the query """ true_query = self._get_new_query() return COMPATABILITY_ENGINE.apply(true_query, gf.graph, gf.dataframe)
def _get_new_query(self): """Gets all the underlying 'new-style' queries in this object. Returns: (List[Union[Query, CompoundQuery]]): a list of all the underlying 'new-style' queries in this object """ true_subqueries = [] for subq in self.compat_subqueries: true_subq = subq if issubclass(type(subq), AbstractQuery): true_subq = subq._get_new_query() true_subqueries.append(true_subq) return self._convert_to_new_query(true_subqueries) @abstractmethod def _convert_to_new_query(self, subqueries): pass
[docs]class AndQuery(NaryQuery): """Compound query that returns the intersection of the results of the subqueries.""" def __init__(self, *args): """Create a new AndQuery object. Arguments: *args (AbstractQuery, str, or list): the subqueries to be performed """ warnings.warn( "Old-style queries are deprecated and will be removed in the \ future. Please use new-style queries (e.g., \ hatchet.query.ConjunctionQuery) instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: super(AndQuery, self).__init__(*args) else: super().__init__(*args) if len(self.compat_subqueries) < 2: raise BadNumberNaryQueryArgs("AndQuery requires 2 or more subqueries") def _convert_to_new_query(self, subqueries): return ConjunctionQuery(*subqueries)
"""Alias of AndQuery""" IntersectionQuery = AndQuery
[docs]class OrQuery(NaryQuery): """Compound query that returns the union of the results of the subqueries""" def __init__(self, *args): """Create a new OrQuery object. Arguments: *args (AbstractQuery, str, or list): the subqueries to be performed """ warnings.warn( "Old-style queries are deprecated and will be removed in the \ future. Please use new-style queries (e.g., \ hatchet.query.DisjunctionQuery) instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: super(OrQuery, self).__init__(*args) else: super().__init__(*args) if len(self.compat_subqueries) < 2: raise BadNumberNaryQueryArgs("OrQuery requires 2 or more subqueries") def _convert_to_new_query(self, subqueries): return DisjunctionQuery(*subqueries)
"""Alias of OrQuery""" UnionQuery = OrQuery
[docs]class XorQuery(NaryQuery): """Compound query that returns the symmetric difference (i.e., set-based XOR) of the results of the subqueries""" def __init__(self, *args): """Create a new XorQuery object. Arguments: *args (AbstractQuery, str, or list): the subqueries to be performed """ warnings.warn( "Old-style queries are deprecated and will be removed in the \ future. Please use new-style queries (e.g., \ hatchet.query.ExclusiveDisjunctionQuery) instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: super(XorQuery, self).__init__(*args) else: super().__init__(*args) if len(self.compat_subqueries) < 2: raise BadNumberNaryQueryArgs("XorQuery requires 2 or more subqueries") def _convert_to_new_query(self, subqueries): return ExclusiveDisjunctionQuery(*subqueries)
"""Alias of XorQuery""" SymDifferenceQuery = XorQuery
[docs]class NotQuery(NaryQuery): """Compound query that returns all nodes in the GraphFrame that are not returned from the subquery.""" def __init__(self, *args): """Create a new NotQuery object. Arguments: *args (AbstractQuery, str, or list): the subquery to be performed """ warnings.warn( "Old-style queries are deprecated and will be removed in the \ future. Please use new-style queries (e.g., \ hatchet.query.NegationQuery) instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: super(NotQuery, self).__init__(*args) else: super().__init__(*args) if len(self.compat_subqueries) < 1: raise BadNumberNaryQueryArgs("NotQuery requires exactly 1 subquery") def _convert_to_new_query(self, subqueries): return NegationQuery(*subqueries)
[docs]class QueryMatcher(AbstractQuery): """Processes and applies base syntax queries and Object-based queries to GraphFrames.""" def __init__(self, query=None): """Create a new QueryMatcher object. Arguments: query (list, optional): if provided, convert the Object-based query into its internal representation """ warnings.warn( "Old-style queries are deprecated and will be removed in the \ future. Please use new-style queries instead. \ For QueryMatcher, the equivalent new-style queries are \ hatchet.query.Query for base-syntax queries and \ hatchet.query.ObjectQuery for the object-dialect.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.true_query = None if query is None: self.true_query = Query() elif isinstance(query, list): self.true_query = ObjectQuery(query) else: raise InvalidQueryPath("Provided query is not a valid object dialect query")
[docs] def match(self, wildcard_spec=".", filter_func=lambda row: True): """Start a query with a root node described by the arguments. Arguments: wildcard_spec (str, optional): the wildcard status of the node filter_func (Callable, optional): a callable acceepting only a row from a pandas DataFrame that is used to filter this node in the query Returns: (QueryMatcher): the instance of the class that called this function """ self.true_query.match(wildcard_spec, filter_func) return self
[docs] def rel(self, wildcard_spec=".", filter_func=lambda row: True): """Add another edge and node to the query. Arguments: wildcard_spec (str, optional): the wildcard status of the node filter_func (Callable, optional): a callable acceepting only a row from a pandas DataFrame that is used to filter this node in the query Returns: (QueryMatcher): the instance of the class that called this function """ self.true_query.rel(wildcard_spec, filter_func) return self
[docs] def apply(self, gf): """Apply the query to a GraphFrame. Arguments: gf (GraphFrame): the GraphFrame on which to apply the query Returns: (list): A list representing the set of nodes from paths that match this query """ return COMPATABILITY_ENGINE.apply(self.true_query, gf.graph, gf.dataframe)
def _get_new_query(self): """Get all the underlying 'new-style' query in this object. Returns: (Query or ObjectQuery): the underlying 'new-style' query in this object """ return self.true_query
[docs]class CypherQuery(QueryMatcher): """Processes and applies Strinb-based queries to GraphFrames.""" def __init__(self, cypher_query): """Create a new Cypher object. Arguments: cypher_query (str): the String-based query """ warnings.warn( "Old-style queries are deprecated and will be removed in the \ future. Please use new-style queries instead. \ For CypherQuery, the equivalent new-style query is \ hatchet.query.StringQuery.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.true_query = parse_string_dialect(cypher_query) def _get_new_query(self): """Gets all the underlying 'new-style' queries in this object. Returns: (List[Union[Query, CompoundQuery]]): a list of all the underlying 'new-style' queries in this object """ return self.true_query
[docs]def parse_cypher_query(cypher_query): """Parse all types of String-based queries, including multi-queries that leverage the curly brace delimiters. Arguments: cypher_query (str): the String-based query to be parsed Returns: (CypherQuery): a Hatchet query for this String-based query """ warnings.warn( "Old-style queries are deprecated and will be removed in the \ future. Please use new-style queries instead. \ For parse_cypher_query, the equivalent new-style function is \ hatchet.query.parse_string_dialect.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return CypherQuery(cypher_query)